Charles Clarke Consulting

What happens with “Myths” in an Industry is they get perpetuated from one book to the next, from one speaker at a convention to the next and on and on. “Salespeople sell the way other salespeople sell” (CCIII) and “Mediocrity” gets passed on. This book is an attempt to get all of us to “challenge and to continue to challenge,” our Belief Systems in each of our Industries, in Sales, and break through Myths that have held us back.
This book is written in Tiger and Bull print with boxes emphasizing important points. Both Bulls and Tigers (1/2 of the population) have told us they appreciate this, because neither of them reads books word for word, as Owls and Lambs do.
Reading “Lies and Myths We Have Been Taught in Selling” will immediately double your sales.
It is like no other book you have ever read. It “debunks” 37+ sales principles which are absolutely not true, according to Clarke. Principles such as 1) “You have to earn the right to close” (Why?) Close everyone, no matter what. 2) “Sell the sizzle, not the steak.” Not for Bulls and owls, they both want “steak,” not “sizzle.” 3) “it is rare for someone to ‘buy’ (Give a check and sign a contract) the first day on big ticket items or multimillion dollar sales.” Not true! Tigers and Bulls – 50% of the population are both fast decision makers and WANT to buy the first day, no matter what the product. Examples of selling include: Multimillion dollar chemical contracts; high and low end real estate, new homes, retail, yachts, Luxury items, restaurant industry and marital relationships. This book “flies in the face” of traditional sales principles, and has methods to turn every reader into a “Master Closer,” more than doubling their sales. Have you ever been “TORTURED” by a salesperson, because they did not sell you the way YOU wanted to be sold? This book goes to great lengths to show you how NOT to “torture your buyers.” If you always sell the way YOU would like to be sold you could be losing at least 1/3 to 1/2 of your sales. Also you could be “torturing” 1/2 to 3/4 of your buyers with really realizing it.
“If you sell the way you would like to be sold, you could be losing ½ to ¾’s of your sales.” —Charles Clarke III
“Selling and Closing Skills for a Difficult Market”™ and “Killer Closes™ for Bulls, Owls, Lambs, and Tigers®”
Charles Clarke’s one day program, “Selling and Closing Skills for a Difficult Market”™ is teaching sales people to overcome these objections and close the sale! Also, Charles’ program of “Killer Closes™ for Different Personalities” teaches what closes work and don’t work for each personality type.
Are your sales people asking the prospect “What do you think about going ahead with this today?”™ Charles will get a commitment from your sales people to ask that question, 100% of the time, all the time, with every prospect, no exceptions. When they do, the results are amazing!
This question closes sales. When it doesn’t close the sale right then, it uncovers concealed objections. Charles then teaches sales people to overcome those objections and close the sale.
Please call 678-516-4833 for seminar pricing and availability

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